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Everything you need to teach and help your students become bilingual in English and French.




Everything you need to teach and help your students become bilingual in English and French.
La carte de la France

La carte de la France

FRENCH QCA Scheme of Work: KS2 Unit 12 : Quel temps fait-il ? KS3 Unit 7 : Les autres pays. Section 6 : The weather. Objective: I can recognise the map of France. I can use the points of the compass. Content: 1. PowerPoint- 6 slides. (All slides have French native voice recorded). - Teach four shapes and understand why we call France 'Hexagone''. - Name the points of the compass. - Be able to locate the weather forecast in France. 2. Homework: - Worksheet: Cut and place the points of the compass on the map of France. 3. Detailed lesson plan: Skills: Listening, speaking, reading
La météo en France.

La météo en France.

FRENCH QCA Scheme of Work: KS2 Unit 12 : Quel temps fait-il ? KS3 Unit 7 : Les autres pays. Section 6 : The weather. Objectives: -I understand the weather forecast in France. -I can present the weather forecast. Content: 1.PowerPoint- 9 slides (All slides have French native voice recorded.) - Review the weather forecast and the points of the compass. - Make full sentences using a modeled structure (Grammar point explained). - Present the weather forecast in France. - Create your own weather forecast. (differentiation: three levels of difficulties)- WORKSHEET available (work in pairs & talent-show) - Ask simple closed questions (yes/no answers)- Grammar point. - Listen and guess someone's weather forecast. 2.Homework: Worksheet- Write sentences to describe the weather forecast- (differentiation: three levels of difficulties) 3.Detailed lesson plan. Skills: Listening, speaking, reading, writing.
French- Anti-Bullying Week- Semaine Contre l'intimidation

French- Anti-Bullying Week- Semaine Contre l'intimidation

Encourage your students to find reasons to respect each other. In this presentation, they have to imagine a future where "someone" will help them and imagine that maybe today that same "someone" is being bullied. Would they have bullied that "someone" if they would have known the future? Everyone has the potential to help or even save someone else's life. There is an activity with examples for your students to draw or write about an imaginary future and two present situations (one bullying and one not bullying/ respect). There are clear examples of structured sentences, working on present tense, infinitive and present participle)
French- Questionnaire/ Compréhension sur les Origines du Calendrier de l'Avent

French- Questionnaire/ Compréhension sur les Origines du Calendrier de l'Avent

You will find a PowerPoint Presentation with questions and answers about the cultural origins of the Advent Calendar. There are 3 types of worksheets for your students according to their level of ability: Easy (facile)- where the students have to pick one of the correct answers amongst 3 possibilities. Average (moyen)- where the students have to fill up the answers with a missing expression. Difficult (Difficile)- where the students have to write down their own answers.
Spot Santa: Christmas Market in Montreux, Switzerland- Marché de Noël

Spot Santa: Christmas Market in Montreux, Switzerland- Marché de Noël

This is a powerpoint presentation with 58 slides, taking on a visit around the famous Montreux Christmas Market, one of the biggest one in Europe. Each slide got a clear photo taken at a time when it was not crowded by people so you can really get a taste of this Christmas market. Each slide also has a simple sentence describing the photo. Finally, to make sure your students get a little bit extra fun, there are 58 tiny Santas hidden (one on each slide) for them to spot.
French Remembrance Day- Fêter les 99 ans du 11 Novembre (2017)- Armistice France

French Remembrance Day- Fêter les 99 ans du 11 Novembre (2017)- Armistice France

This teaching resource includes -16 slides Interactive Power Point Presentation with many animations and audio files. It teaches students about the history behind November, the 11th, why it is a bank holiday in France, some important facts about World War II, what exactly happened on November the 11th, how November, the 11th is being celebrated in France, a special craft activity to do for that special day, a song from a famous French singer related to that event, expressions of opinions. -6 pages of pdf file with 2 pages for the listening skills activity, 1 page for the reading skill activity, 1 page for the craft activity, 1 page with the lyrics of the song and 1 page for the writing task. All 4 types of skills are included with listening skills activities, speaking skills, reading skills and writing skills. There is also clear differentiation in the writing task. It is perfect to use during the week of November, the 11th. 2017 is the 99th birthday anniversary of this event!!!
NEW French Calendar/Nouveau CALENDRIER 2015-2016

NEW French Calendar/Nouveau CALENDRIER 2015-2016

BACK to SCHOOL: New classroom display with a FRENCH calendar 2015-2016. Include seasons, months and days. Each day is associated to a planet (link with science). Eg LUNDI- La lune, MARDI- Mars, ... For each month, there is a picture of both a seasonal fruit and vegetable (link with Healthy Eating). This calendar is designed to be used with a peg to move down the dates on each month. You can easily add birthday pegs with the names of your students at the correct dates. PERFECT for a good start of the year!!
Nouvel an chinois - 8th to 23rd January 2016- Year of the Monkey!!

Nouvel an chinois - 8th to 23rd January 2016- Year of the Monkey!!

-Learn about the legend of Chinese New Year (listen to the recorded story in French or read it). -Review numbers 1 to 12 and 1st to 12th. -Learn about the names of 12 animals through games such as the Kim game. -Practice spelling their names through games, revising your alphabet in French. - Learn about the dates of Chinese New Year (It is celebrated for 15 days) from 2015 to 2026. This resource includes two lesson plans and the whole lessons to learn everything about the legend of Chinese new year and the animals of the zodiac. Lots of animations, recorded audio sequences in French and learning games. I have designed all the high quality cliparts by myself. I have my own copyrights.
Quel temps fait-il?

Quel temps fait-il?

QCA Scheme of Work: KS2 Unit 12 : Quel temps fait-il ? KS3 Unit 7 : Les autres pays. Section 6 : The weather. Objective: I can talk about the weather outside. ('Je parle du temps qu'il fait, dehors.') Content: 1.PowerPoint- 15 slides (All slides have French native voice recorded.) - Teach nine expressions about the weather. - Play Noughts and Crosses with two different level of difficulties. - Match the expressions to the pictures. 2.Homework: Worksheet with expressions to cut and match to the pictures. 3.Detailed lesson plan. Skills: Listening, speaking, reading.
French PAST Tenses: Verbes au Passé Composé avec ETRE, version Halloween!

French PAST Tenses: Verbes au Passé Composé avec ETRE, version Halloween!

It includes a PPT with 48 slides introducing all of the verbs that use the auxiliary "ETRE" in the past tense (passé-composé) with the infinitive, the past participle, clear examples of sentences for each verb. It also highlights the few verbs that can actually use both ETRE or AVOIR in the past tense according to their meaning. The whole presentation is made very interactive for the students to resolve an "Acrostiche" (mnemonic strategy) that will help them remember the list of verbs. It also comes with 2 innovative posters showing the verbs using ETRE and the ones using both ETRE ou AVOIR. Finally, you will also find a worksheet for the students to fill up as you go through the slides.
French Prepositions

French Prepositions

It includes a 28 slides PPT to introduce prepositions in French. It is especially designed for pupils under the age of 7.
French listening/ reading- Telling a Halloween story in the past (passé-compose/ imparfait)

French listening/ reading- Telling a Halloween story in the past (passé-compose/ imparfait)

You will find: - A story "Rencontre avec une sorcière" (Meeting a witch)- using the past tenses (passé-composé et imparfait). The story is being read twice, very clearly, by a French native speaker. It is also available written on a worksheet with questions and on a PowerPoint presentation (.ppt). It includes the whole analysis of the text (setting, characters, tenses, halloween vocabulary about a witch). As an extra, you will find a link to Geography as the story is happening somewhere special, in a French speaking country... There is also a written task at the end that is clearly set with strategies given on how to complete it best. Every single task is available on audio.
L'alphabet des cinq sens: La lettre C, son [s]

L'alphabet des cinq sens: La lettre C, son [s]

Teach five words in French beginning with C ([s] sound) and match them to the five senses to make full sentences, such as 'I see a boat'. Learn about another way to say 'I touch' ('I hold', 'I wear') Improve your pronounciation and reading skills by listening to french native speaker audio sequences. Content: -18 slides power point with colourful pictures and audio sequences. - Worksheet with mini flashcards (pictures+words) to associate to each of the five senses. - Detailed lesson plan. Skills: KS2/3 Age: 5-10
French Noël -Advent Calendar- Students Give away- Christmas Vocabulary Cards Collector

French Noël -Advent Calendar- Students Give away- Christmas Vocabulary Cards Collector

High quality Advent Calendar: 25 mini cards to print back to back and give away to your students each day in December. On one side, there is a beautiful Christmas background with the date. On the other side, there is a very nice picture with the expression written in French. Tell your student about the origin of the Advent Calendar, when people used to give away little religious cards to the children during the Advent, before Christmas. Here, the cards are not religious but they remind us of the origin of the Advent Calendar and it is a nice way to share something useful with your students at a low price. They will love collecting their mini Christmas cards!! As an idea, you can also print it larger to display in your classroom. Please leave me a comment after your purchase! Thank you!!! Mamzelle
Christmas Cards Game- Jeu de cartes de Noël

Christmas Cards Game- Jeu de cartes de Noël

Thanks to this FUN and FAST cards GAME, your students will be able to learn or practice Christmas vocabulary efficiently. There are 42 cards all together (21 cards with pictures and 21 with colourful words), the rules and a list of the pictures and words used. This game can be played by 2 players or 2 teams. It is fun and fast! It is perfect to use as a centre of activity for special French Christmas lessons. Basically, there is always a common pair between two cards (2 identical words/ 2 identical pictures/ identical word-picture).
Easter in France - Paques

Easter in France - Paques

Powerpoint on Easter Tradition in France. Learn vocabulary with pronunciation + game Make a Easter poem about eggs. Lots of fun!!